Thursday, December 7, 2017


Last year some family and friends of our residents conducted a jewelry making activity and it was such a success we thought we would try it again.  It was another success!  We had several residents who don't normally attend activities come.  Friends and Family members helped out again this year and everyone together made it a lot of fun.

Kathy Stiles, friend of Bucky Cribbs helps her string beads.

Jackie Fowler asks Tonia for help in selecting her beads.

Jane Bonsall from personal care gets help from Debbie in activities.  

Yes, even the guys enjoyed this! Brian Black works diligently stringing his beads.

Jackie shows off her beautiful bracelet!

Gay Bellotti, daughter of Edna Sheesley, helps Betty Blasedale.  

Althea Simpkins and Erica Mortland are good friends and good crafters!

Anna Cekovsky